Sunday, October 12, 2014

New Mexico, Albuquerque

Our main reason to be in New Mexico was to see and participate in the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. Aimee came out to visit with me and to go up in the balloon with us. The day before, we decided to do the long drive out to White Sands National Monument to go sledding down the white as snow sand dunes. It was a lot of fun. The hike up the dunes were brutal and for some reason our sleds didn't go down as fast as we had hoped, I don't think the wax worked very well. It was a lot of fun, Aimee had an almost wipeout and I went a little bit slower to protect the camera around my neck.
Aimee fooling around the dunes!!!

Carolyn going at a slow pace

The next day we had to get up at 3:30am to get to the parking for the balloon ride. Our balloon company tent opened up at 5:00, and that is when we found out that the balloon ride was cancelled due to wind. Such a disappointment. I have been worried for a few days when I saw the weather report that said Sunday was going to be windy, and it came to pass. Again, SUCH A BUMMER!!! And, Aimee came all the way out to participate and it was an EPIC FAIL, oh well, can't control Mother Nature. At least we got to see some balloon descending the day before. We get to go up the next day with a few other balloons if the weather permits, but it really isn't the same as going up with hundreds of Balloons. I guess the adventure will wait for another time.

Aimee and I got to take a nice little hike near the hotel and saw the Rio Grande River.

On Monday, the day after the Balloon Fiesta ended, the balloon company offered to take up people who couldn't go up on the day that was cancelled due to wind. We met a 6am and about 10 balloons went up. Honestly, it just wasn't the same. The scenery of Albuquerque is nothing exciting, so the real scenery is supposed to be 500 balloons. Oh well, another time maybe.


1 comment:

  1. Too bad the weather didn't cooperate! :( You got a great shot of Aimee on the dunes, good job!
